How to edit contact forms and add new form fields
In this guide, you will learn how to edit the Form element, manage form fields, and configure various settings to customize your form.
Step 1 - open editor
Open the "Form Settings" editor.
Click "Edit Form" on the hover menu or double-click on the "Form" element you want to customize.
In the "Form Settings" editor, there are two customization categories: "General" and "Look & Feel".
The settings we are interested in are located under the "General" tab.
1. Set Up Email Notifications (Mandatory)
- To configure email notifications for form submissions, click on the "Set up email notification" button.
It will take you to Website Settings > Form Submission, where you can add an email address (if you haven’t already) to receive messages from your website visitors.
- To change the order of the fields, use drag and drop by clicking and holding the button on the left side of the field.
- To rename a form field, click on the specific input field you want to edit and type in the desired name.
4. Mark a Field as Required (Optional)
- To make a field required, click on the star-shaped button next to the field. This will add a * character next to the field label.
- To remove a form field, click on the recycle bin icon associated with the field.
- To add a new field to your form, click on the "Add New Form Field" button and configure the field details.
7. Change the Submit Button Text (Optional)
- To edit the text on the submit button, click on the input box under "Submit Button Text" and type in the desired text.
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